Viam Pravam - Sense Of Life

Walking in the waters, searching for hope
Singing to the birds, waiting for an answer

Why wait for nothing, we have no hope
Why there has to be questions without answers

Walking in the waters, prophesying an end
Singing for the deaf, hoping that they respond

Why wait for help, for it has no cure
Why we always have to stand up, we will always fall

A beauty shown
The truth with her is
A silence continues
Showing how to live

A Sense of life
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Walking in heaven, watching the living
Singing for the blind, hoping to see

Why feed new hopes, the end is coming
Why walk this path that will lead to the destruction of all

Walking in the ruins, sentenced to death
Singing the song of the end, dying slowly

Why wait for answers, time will bring the truth
Why stand up until the end will always have this abyss

The truth comes slowly
With her the freedom
Freeing us from the end
A silence ends

A Sense of life
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The truth
With her
Freeing us
A silence ends

A beauty
The truth
A silence
Showing how to live

A Sense of life
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